Day of Hungarian Higher Education

On the occasion of the 650th jubilee of the foundation of the first Hungarian University, last year the Hungarian parliament decided to pronounce the first day of September from 2017 onward as the "Day of Hungarian Higher Education" and the memorial day of the University of Pécs, founded in 1367. According to the justification behind the decision, the government emphasized that this step highly promotes the significance of the international forward-looking role of Hungarian higher education maintained throughout the centuries, and thus Hungarian scientific achievements, together with Hungarian higher education itself will become a national heritage. In the morning of September 1st, with the participation of Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s prime minister, the City of Pécs, and the diocese commemorate this illustrious date with a ceremony held in the Kodály Center. The following events will include the Closing Conference of the Hungarian Brain Research Program, the ceremonial inauguration of the Statues of King Louis the Great and Bishop William next to the site of the Medieval University, and a festive mass in the Cathedral.

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