3D Conference

The University of Pécs will soon host the upcoming 4th Annual International Interdisciplinary 3D Conference, presenting the current state of the world-evolving 3D printing technology, which will be held on 5 -6 October, 2018, at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

Date of event: 
2018. October 05. 13:00 to 2018. October 06. 15:00

Considering the success of last year’s conference, we decided to host our second annual professional event regarding 3D visualization and printing. This event is unique in Central Europe. The invited lecturers are prominent professionals representing their scientific or artistic work.

Considering the success of last year’s conference, we decided to host our second annual professional event regarding 3D visualization and printing. This event is unique in Central Europe. The invited lecturers are prominent professionals representing their scientific or artistic work.

Date of event: 
2016. October 06. 09:00 to 2016. October 08. 18:30

In the strategic plans of the University of Pécs 3D Project is a top priority. The 3D technology is a great potential for the development of the field of personalized medicine, engineering or the different branches of art.

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