The New Rector has been Appointed

New rectors have been appointed to lead the Hungarian Dance Academy, the University of Szeged, the University of Pécs and Semmelweis University – announced the Hungarian Official Gazette on 24 May 2018.

Attila Miseta (left), János Áder, President of Hungary (center) and other appointed rectors, 28 May 2018, Budapest; photo: Szilárd Koszticsák, MTI


The University of Pécs held a Senate Meeting on 18 December 2017 to elect the new rector, where Attila Miseta, dean of the Medical School has won the majority of the votes, and followingly has been nominated on behalf of the university to the Ministry of Human Capacities for the highest governing position of UP. 

According to the decision of the President of Hungary issued on 23 April – supported by the nomination by Zoltán Balog, former Minister of Human Capacities – Attila János Miseta has been appointed as rector of the University of Pécs. The mandate of the current rector, József Bódis is going to end with 30 June 2018. Attila Miseta is going to fill the prestigious position 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2022. His inauguration ceremony is going to take place on 28 June 2018, where József Bódis will officially present him with the livery collar of the rector.


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