Take a selfie with locomotive! - PTE 650 Jubilee Locomotive Photo Contest

Have you had a ride with the PTE 650 jubilee locomotive? Not yet? A train celebrating the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the first Hungarian university has entered into operation at the Western train station in Budapest. Besides PTE IC, a PTE locomotive is now in service for travellers and spreads the fame of the university wherever it goes. The MÁV-START railway company and the University of Pécs jointly decorated the PTE locomotive, which commemorates the founders of the first university. 

Take a selfie with the PTE jubilee locomotive!

Photo: Szabolcs Csortos, UnivPécs 


The Siemens Taurus make  vehicle wears its “festive decoration” until  1st  of September 2018, and it will travel 340 thousand kilometres on the railway lines of Hungary and Austria – which means it could travel around the world eight and half times. Beside the decoration, a 14th century dance merriment also invoked the medieval ages at the ceremony.


Szelfizz mozdonnyal! - Fotópályázat

Photo: Edvin Szarvák


Take a selfie with the PTE jubilee locomotive!

Have you encountered the jubilee locomotive yet? Do not miss the opportunity! Send us your photos and selfies with the locomotive and we give you a real PTE experience and publish your photos on our community pages. We accept photos until the end of each month through October 2017 and draw a winner who  gains  a special PTE gift box   every month. The final deadline of application is 31 October 2017.  This will be the day when we draw the winner  of  all  applicants. The winner receives a real PTE experience pack: a weekend in Pécs with a partner at the Hotel Palatinus City Center***, tickets to the Jubilee Concert of the University, sightseeing tour, dance lessons with the dance ensemble of the University… Everything related to Pécs and PTE.

We invite  photos on Facebook (www.facebook.com/universityofpecs) until the end of each month and draw a winner of the month who gets a special PTE gift box. 


Photo Contest Participation Policy »



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