The UP among the best universities of the world

The University of Pécs (UP)  is among the top 1000 universities of the world according to the 2015 ranking list Webometrics (Ranking Web of World Universities). The Webometrics ranking list ( )is based on the web visibility of the universities and it is published twice a year.


The creator of the Webometrics-list is the Cybermetrics Lab, which is part of one of the biggest research institutes in Spain, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) - more than 22 thousand institution's web presence has been examined twice a year since 2004.

It is not the university attendance and design of sites that are monitored, but they analyze how "visible" the higher educational institutions are on the Internet.

Half of the total number of points scored depends on the number of people who have linked the different pages of universities. It is also important how many sites and external references related to the university sites can be found by Google and Google Scholar. It also matters, how many publications of the university researchers and instructors appear on the website of the most important scientific journals.




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