Simonyi Summer Consulting Program - Faculty of Business and Economics

The Simonyi Summer program at University of Pécs started on the 8th of June, 2015. This year this is the 11thyear of the program. The program has students from all over the world: 5 from Ohio University, 5 from University of Botswana and 8 from the University of Pécs. We also have students from France, Ghana, the Netherlands and Turkey.

We currently have 2 visiting scholars from the U.S. and we have one more coming in for the next following weeks. We also have a Professor from Botswana. They are working together with Kia Goleshorki who is a host of the program along Thom Luce.  However, we have many guest professors and Simonyi Ambassadors who will help the students with their projects. We have recruited 22 projects overall with the students actively working on 10. We can proudly say that some of these are coming from the Simonyi Ideation Program, a program going on throughout the spring and fall semesters in which students learn to plan and develop their own businesses. Each student is working on multiple projects at the same time in order the have different challenges and experiences and also the problems of time management is a crucial part of the program.


The program is very rich in terms of events and programs organized. There are formal events such as the Opening Banquette, Closing Banquette, and Wine Tasting. Other than these we have many events organized by the students including lunch and dinner together, dinner parties hosted by Edie and Thom Luce and of course some relaxing activities and trips.


We are happy about the cooperation with University of Botswana; such International Relationships are very important to us. We are very happy to host them in Hungary as well as the Ohio University students.


You shall not pass!