The UP at the Danube Regatta!

The Danube Regatta is an international rowing and dragon boat sport competition between the greatest universities, which is organized by the Antall József Knowledge Centre for the third time, on 25th April, 2015.


The event in 2014 featured teams from eight Hungarian (the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös Loránd University, Semmelweis University, the University of Pécs, the Széchenyi István University of Győr, and the University of Szeged) and three foreign universities (Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia). The students joined together the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the EU accession of the Visegrad Group countries.

Close to 350 university students were pitting against in the different categories.

Beside water sport, day-long programmes awaited the audience, including a music contest - the Sound of the University contest - and the performances of the cheerleaders of the universities.

The Danube Regatta is going to be held on 25th April, 2015. This year the professional rowing-men of the Harvard and the Princeton compete in the university sport festival of the year as well.



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The amateur dragon boat team of the University of Pécs takes part in the event already for the second time this year. The 18 members of the team started their preparing training in Orfű and in the gym Life1 this week. They represent numerous faculties of the university and some of them took part in the Regatta already in 2014, too.

Just like last year, both the fan bus offered by the UP EHÖK and the cheerleaders of the UP Dance Team escort the team, in addition the UP Brass Band joines, too.

You can find more information about the UP team here


Bring it on, UP!


You shall not pass!