Two instructors of the UP recieved Artist of the Nation Award

The "Artist of the Nation" Award was handed over for the first time on Monday, 17 November 2014 in Budapest, 69 artists in 10 categories were recognised. Zoltán Bachman was conferred in the field of architecture, while Ilona Keserü got "among the immortals" in the field of fine arts from the instructors of the University of Pécs.

On the initiative of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) the Hungarian Parliament established the Artist of the Nation Awards for the appreciation and for the providing of worthy living conditions of personalities with high artistic accomplishment and acclaim in 2013 and the Artist of the Nations Awards were first assigned in July 2014 by the Artist of the Nation Committee.

The Artist of the Nation can be a person in the following fields: theatre art, literature, music, fine art, film art, architecture, the art of dance, applied art, photography, folk art as well as circus art.

The awarded persons are entitled to have an official document on the assignment, to bear the title of the Artist of the Nation and to receive an annuity for every month until the end of his or her life from the month following the month of the awarding ceremony. The monthly sum of the perpetuity is twenty-three times the minimal sum of the old age pension, so in 2014 – according to the minimal OAP of 28.500 HUF – it is 655.500 HUF.

The Title of the Artist of the Nation can only be borne by 70 persons at the same time. This year only 69 of them were appointed, because the Kossuth State Award is a requirement and there are no circus artist with that award at present.


In the field of fine art Ilona Keserü painter, Professor Emerita of the Faculty of Music and Visual ArtsHonorary Citizen of Pécs became the Artist of the Nation







Zoltán Bachman, Kossuth and Ybl Award-winner instructor of the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology recieved the prestigious recognition in the architecture category. 






The UP congratulates to Zoltán Bachman and Ilona Keserü for the recognition! 


You shall not pass!