The Dean of the Faculty of Adult Education an Human Resource Management received the Education Award of Baranya County

The award was handed over by Zsolt Tiffán, chairman of the County Assembly at the county day event held in Sellye. Dr. Zsolt Nemeskéri thanked for the support of the faculty to the county management. The Péter Koltai Award was conferred to dr. Zsolt Nemeskéri, dean of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resource Development for his research work creating scientific values and his outstanding activity in the higher education of the county.

Under his guidance in the past two years, the Adult Education Faculty had not only made its operation more economical and efficient, but also launched several new educational and research programs. After many years, the number of students of the faculty started to grow again. The "University of the Third Age "program aimed for seniors is particularly successful, which allows more than 600 elderly students to visit classes regularly again. This program is initiated to be launched in all the major settlements and cities in  Baranya.

In addition to the seniors, the faculty also targeted the younger generation, through developing e-learning programs for high school students. This way, hundreds of young people interested can finish online courses after a simple registration, which can be later acknowledged during their university studies.

In the traditional training areas, a number of new vocatilonal trainings and a cultural heritage master programme closely linked to Pécs were launched.  The latter – in a unique way – is a reslult of the cooperation between four faculties. The tourism and hospitality vocational training in the last year was among the most popular rural programmes. On the international level, they offer part-time programmes for Kazakh and Russian students in Pécs.

Dr. Zsolt Nemeskéri's family originates in Sellye, therefore the venue of the ceremony had a symbolic significance for him. The county education award is named after Péter Koltai, whom he had personally known, respected, moreover he is closely related to his family in both a formal and informal way. 


Congratulations on the recognition!


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