Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network - The Banquet Experience

Have you ever dreamed of a day, when you can forget about your daily routine and dive into the world of elegant dresses and suits, exquisite dishes, glasses full of champagne and warm air filled with laughter and sounds of lovely music? Students from more than 50 countries had the opportunity to feel as if they were movie stars at the First Annual Banquet of the Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network on 15 February in Budapest.

Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network Banquet; photo: HÖOK SHMN


The news about the banquet was a big surprise for every student, which made the our lives even brighter. A month before the event all the students started to prepare their national costumes or were looking for elegant dresses, planning all the details including accessories and with whom to go. The expectation of the event had been so exciting, that after this evening, the banquet seemed more like a dream than reality.


Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network Banquet; photo: HÖOK SHMN


On 15 February two buses full of happy students left Pécs, and after a couple of hours, they were preparing themselves for the banquet in a hostel in Budapest. Later that evening, the students arrived at the banquet, where they were taking photos, speaking with students from different cities in Hungary, drinking champagne and listening to the classical music, it all created the unique atmosphere. Moreover, stand up shows and a song sung by Samuel Akinola, a student of the University of Pécs, added elegance to the gorgeous evening. One of the most fascinating parts for all the students was the dinner, where Hungarian traditional dishes were served. After the great dinner, it was high time to have real fun, or in other words, to dance to the dj music.


Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network Banquet; photo: HÖOK SHMN


The magical night came to an end, but not all the surprises did. The next morning, the students were invited to a surprise cruise on the Danube. After the river stroll, the students went to the buses, where they were welcomed with lunch, and were set to go back home, well-rested, full of happy memories and ready to study!


Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network Banquet - Samuel Akinola; photo: HÖOK SHMN


written by: Ekaterina Morozova, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs

A student of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Shahab Wali Khan won the Mentor of the Year Award »


You shall not pass!