How did you see the University Days of Pécs 2016?

The University Days of Pécs (PEN), organized in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter between 28 and 30 April, was a huge success: 16.800 people visited the festival this year. 


The most people had fun on Saturday, when there were 6.000 participants. We asked some students, what do they think about PEN.


Katinka B. (Medical School)


Which concerts are you interested in?

Bettina: I will go Brains, but I also want to go to Ludmilla, Julia Carpenter and Halott Pénz.

Judit: To be honest, I don’t really know, among what kinds of concerts we can choose. For me they don’t really matter.

Katinka: I will go to Brains and Halott Pénz.


Judit M. (Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Business and Economics) and Gréta M. (Faculty of Business and Economics)


What does PEN mean to you?

Katinka: Meeting new people, having party, frinedships.

Gréta: It means concerts, party, dancing and singing together with my friends. I travelled here from Budapest to come to PEN together with my friends. I wanted to take part in this great festival already on Thursday, but since I had to go to school on Friday in Budapest, I could come only on Friday and Saturday.

Bettina: Having fun with my friends, happyness... It is a great festival!

Judit: This is my first PEN, so I can’t really tell you what does it mean to me. However, I know that almost each student are here and it is always a huge success. Actually I have never been the real member of the university community, I always thought that the university is only about learning, beside which my freetime activities and sport played the most important role in my life. One thing is for sure: it will feel great to belong to the university community one last time.


 Bettina Szilasi (Faculty of Business and Economics)


You shall not pass!