EU Summer School in Pécs

The Centre for International Relations of the University of Pécs organized a summer university programme with the support of CEEPUS with the title: Identities Under Pressure?" Changing European Union, New Global Order in the Making from 28 June – 7 July. 25 students from 8 countries came to Pécs to discuss, how the European Union can maintain its role and competitiveness facing global challenges.

CEEPUS Summer School about the EU; photo: Szabolcs Csortos, UnivPécs


Dr. Gyöngyi Pozsgai opened the summer school by greeting the participants in their own mother tongue, and then she briefly introduced the history of the 651 years old University of Pécs. She highlighted the best parts of being a student here and she gave a short overview of the schedule. During the summer university programme, the students examine and discuss the current political, economic, cultural and social situation of the EU; the economic transformation of the Visegrad states; the processes, trends, tendencies of international migration; as well as the competitiveness of the European Union from marketing perspective. The lecturers of the course come from different scientific fields: political science, psychology, economy, cultural studies and marketing are represented. The scientific lectures are always followed by an interactive workshop, so that the students coming from different countries can join the discussion of the outlined problems and can work together on solution proposals.


Dr. Gyöngyi Pozsgai opening the CEEPUS Summer School about the EU; photo: Szabolcs Csortos, UnivPécs 


The organisers aim to offer a truly interactive programme, and to enrich the participants with extraordinary and colourful experiences, so that they will be able to take home very nice memories. The students thereby not only get to know the scientific work of the University of Pécs, but they can also get a taste of the Pécs student life and the vibrant cultural life of the city. Among other programmes, the students visited the Zsolnay Light Festival.



The original article in Hungarian at the website of Univpécs »

Mariann TÓTH

You shall not pass!