Cultural Sensitivity Program

Would you like to know more about Hungary and Pécs? Join our elective courses!

Cultural Sensitivity Program


Cultural Heritage of Pécs

Every second Thursday 2pm-5:30pm, starting from September 14

The course is designed for students who are willing to “read” the city’s historic evolvement, the important layers of its “texture” highlighting how local culture and identity has been shaped throughout the centuries. There is much to explore in a 2000-year-old city. Discover the rich and vivid history from the Roman period through to the “Cultural Capital of Europe” – phase (2010) in the big year of the 650th anniversary of founding the University of Pécs (September 1, 2017). The course provides opportunities for visiting heritage attractions.  Heritage is seen not only as a memory base of communities that needs to be preserved but bestowed for the benefit of future generations as a resource that can trigger innovation.

Lecturer: dr. Teréz Kleisz PhD, assistant professor



Cultural Heritage of Hungary

Monday 4pm-5:30pm, starting from September 18

Beyond providing an introduction to the most important events and features of Hungarian history the course focuses on the major cultural achievements and the most influential historical figures of Hungary. Students will learn about the most important historical events and personalities, which shaped Hungarian history and culture throughout the centuries. The course also provides an overview of the significant art styles of Hungary from the middle ages till the end of the 20th century. The course aims to develop students’ understanding of Hungarian folk traditions, customs, identity and gastronomy as well. The course provides an insight to the collections of the most important Hungarian museums and historical sites. The course reveals the significance of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Hungary and it also provides an opportunity for the students to get familiar with the cultural heritage of Pécs.

Lecturer: dr. Zsuzsa Koltai PhD, assistant professor



Contemporary Hungarian Culture

Tuesday 3:30pm-5:00pm

The purpose of the course is to represent and advance multi- and cross-disciplinary work in Hungarian cultural studies. The focus is on today’s cultural phenomena. Starting from a broad definition of culture, the interests of the course range from relations and interaction between the social and cultural spheres to issues of the everyday and “way of life”, as well as to the meanings and functions of arts and media.

Lecturer: dr. Judit Béres PhD, assistant professor



Intercultural Communication. Etiquette, Protocol and the Rules of Social Interaction in Hungary

every second Tuesday 4pm-7:30pm

This course provides an introduction to the key conceptual elements related to intercultural communication and its practical aspects in the special context of Hungarian culture and everyday life. In the frame of the course, students are invited to create their own intercultural written, drawn, comics, photo or video diaries of their experiences in Pécs. To increase their intercultural awareness, students are required to demonstrate their diaries in the end-term paper.

Lecturer: dr. habil Gyula Maksa PhD, assistant professor



Current Political, Economic and Social Issues of Hungary

Monday 2pm-3:30pm

This course aims to introduce students to general political, economic and social features of Hungary. Students will learn about the political system and some hot topics that characterise today’s Hungarian political life. They will gain more knowledge on some specific issues such as the economic perspectives and challenges, the education system of the country and main social challenges like ageing, unemployment, emigration and ethnic tensions.

Lecturer: dr. Inez Koller PhD, assistant professor



For further information please contact dr. Zsuzsa Koltai PhD, coordinator of the Cultural Sensitivity Program. E-mail:


You can enroll in courses via NEPTUN.


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