Adél Laura Sághegyi has won an international competition for architecture students

Adél Laura Sághegyi, student of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology was the best among 200 young candidates. Adél planned a sculpture workshop  with unique look and special canalization. The sculpture workshop  planned by Adél is also unique, because it adjusts to the historic buildings around, this way was formed the interesting statue like shape.

Adél Laura Sághegyi has won an international competition for architecture students

Adél Laura Sághegyi in Sanghai


The building complex is situated in Pécs, at the former street of the Master Craftsmen, in part of its reviatlization. Here, the young and recruit artists have the opportunity to gain and exchange experience, learn from masters, and highlight this activity even more.

Adél was invited to an international architecture competition a few weeks ago to Shanghai, where judges  rewarded  especially the unique solutions. E.g.: eaves do not appear at the frontage, but  the drainage is under the forefront. It means it was necessary to invent a particular construction to hold the metal coverage, but it does not pierce  waterproofing.


metal sculpture workshop in Pécs planned by Adél Laura Sághegyi

Metal sculpture workshop in Pécs


Dr. Bálint Bachmann, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology also accompanied the awarded student to Shanghai. According to the dean the recognition and popularity of the faculty were also risen thanks to the award. “Our faculty has 300 international students at 3 study programmes from 12 countries.” – said Dr. Bálint Bachmann about the internationalization pursuits of the faculty. One of the main goals is  to invite  more international students and to double their number at the faculty.

Adél would like to work in one of the best architect’s office in Holland, but also would like to take part in a doctoral programme. Now she is preparing for her Master’s Degree.


More info on metal sculpture workshop in Pécs »


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