"From denarius to forint" - history of the Hungarian currency

The Hungarian National Bank organizes a monetary history exhibition with the cooperation of the University of Pécs. The exhibition already visited six cities and universities and it enjoyed great popularity with the audience. This success inspired the exhibition in Pécs.

It will consist of the 19 cases of the traveling exhibition, with 600-700 art pieces and many rare and unique items (all of them are the part of the Hungarian National Bank’s collection). Beside the short professional descriptions which will be found on the cases, the viewers also could gain information with the help of the installed touch screens.

Opening ceremony: 29 September 11 am


Date of event: 
2017. September 29. 11:00 to 2017. December 20. 18:00
Dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula corridor (Pécs, Rákóczi str. 80.)
Contact person: 
Gyöngyvér Csilla Farkas
Contact person's email: 
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