Water Polo Charity Gala

The University of Pécs Medical School, Medical Students Sports Association and the Mecsek PVSK Füszért water polo team proudly introduce the first water polo charity gala with the patronage of Kemény Denes and Attila Miseta and with the participation of Olympic Champion water polo players (Zoltán Kósz, Tamás Molnár, Attila Vári, Péter Molnár).

Date of event: 
2016. October 26. 18:00

The University of Pécs Medical School, Medical Students Sports Association and the Mecsek PVSK Füszért water polo team proudly introduce the first water polo charity gala with the patronage of Kemény Denes and Attila Miseta and with the participation of Olympic Champion water polo players (Zoltán Kósz, Tamás Molnár, Attila Vári, Péter Molnár).

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