British Autumn 2016

The binding topic for British Autumn 2016, organised by SPECHEL (Angol-Magyar Kulturális Egyesület) is Britain Goes to America. Its main guests from the United Kingdom celebrate the centenary of the journey in 1916 to the Appalachians by English folksong collectors Cecil Sharpe and Maud Karpeles.

Date of event: 
2016. November 16. 10:00

The binding topic for British Autumn 2016, organised by SPECHEL (Angol-Magyar Kulturális Egyesület) is Britain Goes to America. Its main guests from the United Kingdom celebrate the centenary of the journey in 1916 to the Appalachians by English folksong collectors Cecil Sharpe and Maud Karpeles.

Date of event: 
2016. October 11. 19:00

The binding topic for British Autumn 2016, organised by SPECHEL (Angol-Magyar Kulturális Egyesület) is Britain Goes to America. Its main guests from the United Kingdom celebrate the centenary of the journey in 1916 to the Appalachians by English folksong collectors Cecil Sharpe and Maud Karpeles. 

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