
I’ve made an interview with Moritz Wüller, a German-speaking student at the University of Pécs. Moritz is currently in his fourth year of studying medicine in Pécs. He was born in Hamburg but lives in Leipzig.

The Senate adopted the strategic internationalisation programme until 2020 last year, which, connected to the Modern Cities Programme, determines certain yearly tasks. We have asked the director for international relations, associate professor Dr. István Tarrósy  about the novelties starting in September.  

The representatives of 5 faculties, the International Relations Co-ordinator of the Centre for International Relations and the Student  Secretary of the Chancellery visited to Ho Si Minh in Vietnam from 19 to 21 of April. 


We invite everybody between the age of 14 and 104 who wants to move, dance or watch dance! All programs are ENGLISH FRIENDLY as well.

Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pecs hosted an International Partner Meeting within the framework of “Partenariats Strategiques European Manager In Social Economy EMISE+ (Project N˚:2015-1-FR01-KA202-015238)” between March 8-10, 2017.

Date of event: 
2015. July 24. 00:00 to 2015. August 02. 00:00


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