Foreign students living in more dormitories

Viktória Mátyás, the Vice President of Specialised Tasks of the Student Union published the changes for the fall semester regarding the accomodations for students arriving from outside Hungary:


Foreign students living in more dormitories.



This year there are more foreign students at the University of Pécs, than last! That time the number was 130, but this year there are nearly 500 people due to the various scholarship programs and that all faculties launched English-language trainings. For all those who applied for a place in the dormitories we can provide accommodation. So far, they were mostly placed in the Boszorkány and the Hunyor dormitories. This year, the first level of the Boszorkány dorm is available, the Hunyor will be kept and there will be nearly 200  foreign students in the Szalai dormitory as well. 77 NKO students will stay at the Szántó dorm. Due to the increasing number there will be a student representative who is specifically responsible for the foreign students.

The Erasmus students are going to stay in the Hunyor. The building is not in a bad condition, but we separated an amount of money to make it meet the modern requirements as well. This year, especially lobby area is going to be renewed: we will replace the carpet, the walls are going to be painted, the common rooms are going to be renovated and in the future an extra kitchen will be built. The exterior facade is also going to be renovated. However we still have to wait for the licenses, but the smaller works have already been started. The rooms are not affected, therefore all the students who live there will not experience any difficulties. In the last semester we have renewed the Hunyors garden, this year we plan to do the same. I hope that the renovation will be finished in the autumn, we'll see whether there will be an additional resource for further modernization.


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