Ceremonial Senate Meeting Celebrating the Day of Hungarian Science

The University of Pécs celebrates the Day of Hungarian Science with a Ceremonial Senate Meeting, where honorary doctor titles and other prestigious titles will be conferred on 8 November 2018.


Welcome Speech of the Rector

Conferring awards and titles:

  • Doctor Honoris Causa - Dr. Stefan Pollak
  • Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa - Dr. Dušan Nikolić
  • Rector Emeritus Title 
  • Professor Emeritus Titles
  • Professor and Honorary Associate Professor Titles
  • Pro Doctoris Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis Awards

Celebratory Performance


Date of event: 
2018. November 08. 10:00
Dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula, Faculty of Business and Economics (80. Rákóczi str. Pécs)
Contact person: 
Dóra Király, Eszter Borsos
Contact person's email: 
kiraly.dora@pte.hu; borsos.eszter@pte.hu
Contact person's phone: 
72/501-500 / 12121 or 12143
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