Fascinating exhibition of the art of Leonardo da Vinci!

The exhibition presenting sixty real-size inventions and creations of the renaissance artist, Leonardo da Vinci, was opened on the 16th of April in Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs. The venue of the interactive show presents itself on about 1500 square metres and two locations.


An enormous, 8.5 meter high horse statue was installed on the main square of Pécs a few weeks ago. The idea behind the newly designed city attraction is the goal to promote the one of a kind cultural highlight, the unique Leonardo da Vinci exhibition taking place in Pécs in the upcoming months.

The exhibition was opened on the 16th of April by Zsolt Páva, mayor of Pécs andGiovanni Di Pasquale, member of the Galileo Institute for the History of Science in Florence. The selection of da Vinci's works represents the approach which puts da Vinci in the role of a genius inventor. The tools and inventions that have been set in the spotlight now surpassed their age by far.

"Leonardo da Vinci made efforts to explore each and every area of life; he was never satisfied with obvious explanations. His scientific activity improved by the constant research he carried out throughout his life. The newly opened exhibition focuses exactly on this aspect; it helps us understand how genius an inventor da Vinci was" - said Zsolt Páva.



The mayor of Pécs also expressed his hopes that through the appeal of the exhibition, our city would be able to get into the centre of attention again - after being the European Capital of Culture.

The idea of the exhibition which was presented to visitors only beyond Europe, e.g. in San José and Tokio until now, originates from the Galileo Institute of the History of Science in Florence. Giovanni Di Pasquale, institute representative expressed his happiness about the perfect timing of the exhibition: it was opened on the double-occasion of da Vinci's 562th birth anniversary and 110 years of the Janus Pannonius Museum.

There are several museums and galleries worldwide dealing with the artistic performance of the renaissance master, but the one in Pécs is considered special due to the nearly sixty real-size inventions which can be touched, walked around and examined by spectators. Visitors have the chance to admire da Vinci's famous "automobile model" and "flying man" as well.

The Leonardo-exhibition in Pécs is the biggest one in terms of the gallery area; and the richest considering the former exhibitions focusing on this theme.

The exhibition is available for visitors between the 16th of April and the 30th of September in the Modern Hungarian Gallery (in Hungarian: Modern Magyar Képtár; Pécs, Papnövelde Street 5.) and in the Ferenc Martyn Musem (Pécs, Káptalan Street 4.).

You shall not pass!