Dr. András Büki, the new president of the International Neurotrauma Society!

The largest global forum of experts dealing with research and treatment of nervous system injuries elected Professor Dr. András Büki for president of the world-wide organisation, the International Neurotrauma Society. The professor of the University of Pécs will hold the position for 2 years, until 2016.

Dr. András Büki, new president of the International Neurotrauma Society / Photo: Doctoris MediciWhat is special about the International Neurotrauma Society is that besides healing practitioners research experts are also members of the organization, which is affiliated to the Neurotrauma Society of America. As Dr. Büki said:"Our main goal is to utilize the results of basic scientific research in practical health care services as fast as possible. Furthermore, we would like to achieve that doctors working in the frontline and contacting patients directly use the latest scientific evidence-based methods in healing."

The acknowledged professor's experience gained in the newly obtained leading position will be beneficial also on local level. There has been a lot of clinical research programmes at the Diagnostics Centre of the University of Pécs already. Through the Clinical Centre for Neurosciences in Pécs, this affects the patients of the region in the long run.

We congratulate to Dr. Büki for the well-deserved position and wish further success for the future!


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