Call for donation: help the victims of the Balkan flood!

A call to all former and current students, academic and administrative staff of the University of Pécs to donate and help the victims of the cruel flood in the Balkans.

The tragic circumstances caused by the flood in recent weeks extended to a significant part of the Balkans, demanding several human lives and causing serious damages.

The city of Tuzla, a twin town of Pécs and its surrounding area in Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the mostly damaged regions. The University of Pécs wishes to help its troubled sister city. The fastest way to do so is to join and share the call of the Hungarian Red Cross, and to ask all our past and present students and colleagues to help and support a good cause!

"A fundraising activity has been started by the Hungarian Red Cross's donation line 1359 in order to support the Red Cross organizations' disaster-responsive work in the Balkans, which is done to help the population in the areas affected by the flood.

Everyone who calls the number 1359 or sends a text message with the word 'ADOMANY' (English meaning: donation), submits a 250 HUF contribution to the Red Cross National Society's disaster managerial work in the Balkan region."

The Hungarian Red Cross welcomes donations on the following bank account:

In case of transferring from Hungary (inland transfer):
Bank name: K&H Bank 
Account number: 10405004 - 00026548 - 00000009
In any case, please do not forget to indicate in the notice-box: "balkáni árvíz" (meaning: Balkan flood)

In case of international transfer (carried out from abroad/outside Hungary):
IBAN: HU32 1040 5004 0002 6548 0000 0009
In any case, please do not forget to indicate in the notice-box: "balkáni árvíz" (meaning: Balkan flood)

We are grateful to everyone supporting the victims in the Balkan!
Thank you very much in the name of the UP,


Dr. József Bódis


You shall not pass!