International Conference on the History of Health Science

University of Pécs will celebrate its 650-year jubilee in 2017. Due to the special occasion the University’s Faculty of Health Sciences and the Hungarian Scientific Society of Nursing organizes the International Conference on the History of Health Sciences. The conference is connected to the jubilee programs and will be held on 18-19 May 2017. 

International Conference on the History of Health Science


Our aim is not only to keep our focus on a specific scientific field such as pharmacy, medicine, nursing, education and special education or public administration, but also to emphasize the multidisciplinary nature of health sciences. 


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International Conference on the History of Health Science


Final Program 

18 May, 2017 (Thursday)


8:00 Registration
Place: hall

9:30 Opening Ceremony
place: Central Auditorium
Prof. dr. Bódis József rector
Prof. dr. Betlehem dean


Plenary session I. - Chair: Perkó Magdolna
place: Central Auditorium

10:00 Prof. dr. Vlastimil Kozon, Bécs
Nursing Phaleristics– the beautiful history of professional nursing in Central Europe

10:15 Dr. habil. Oláh András, Pécs
The overview of the history of Hungarian nursing education through phaleristic heritage

10:30 Dr. Balogh Zoltán, Budapest

10:45 Prof. dr. Betlehem József, Pécs
The place of health sciences education in the history of the university of Pécs

11:00 Prof. dr. Gaal György, Kolozsvár
The joint academic years of the universities of Kolozsvár and Pozsony at Budapest after their expulsion (1919-1921)

11:15 coffee Break


Plenary session II. - Chair: prof. dr. Betlehem József, Pécs
place: Central Auditorium

11:30 Dr. Fedeles Tamás, Pécs
Pécs 1367, the founding and functioning of the first university of Hungary

11:45 Dr. Pusztafalvi Henriette, Pécs
The health care system in Pécs between the two World Wars

12:00 Séverine Parayre, Párizs
Focus on the History of Education and Health with an international perspective

12:15 Dra. Collelldemon Eulália, Barcelona Learning to be healthy, a matter of social, political and pedagogical order set in the first half of the 20th century in Spain

12:30 Dr. Pilkhoffer Mónika, Pécs 
The locations of medical education in Pécs between 1923 and 1970 13:00

Lunch Break


Pharmacy Section - Chair: prof. dr. Perjési Pál, Pécs
place: Central Auditorium

14:15 Dr. Várszegi László, Pécs
The history of pharamcies in Pécs and in Baranya County

14:30 Prof. dr. Szabó László Gyula, Pécs
Remembering László Lárencz, pharmacology-historian – monograph titled Famous pharmacists of Southern Transdanubia

14:45 Dr. Pál Szilárd, Pécs
Past, Present and Future of Szerecsen (Saracen) Pharmacy

15:00 Kósa Judit, Pécs
Our role model after whom we are named; the works and life of László Cholnoky, pharmacologist professor – as the members of the Cholnoky College see it in the Cholnoky Memorial Year

15:15 Dr. Grunda Miklós, Sellye
Born in Baranya County: Dr Antal Brantner, pharmacologist, the "Knight of Hungarian Culture"

15:30 Dobson Szabolcs, Budapest
The rise of the pharmaceutical industry and the evolution of dominance of synthetic drugs

15:45 Discussion

16:00 Coffee Break


Health Value Section -  Chair: prof. dr. Boncz Imre, Pécs
place: A1 Room

14:00 Kovács Beatrix, Pécs
Better together

14:15 Dr. Koller Inez Zsófia, Pécs
Health disparities and ethnic classification in Hungary

14:30 Dr. habil. Bertók Rózsa, Pécs
Health-deficient axiology

14:45 Dr. Beke Szilvia, Gyula
History of the Hungarian health disparities field studies – what does the health geography give to the health science education?

15:00 Szabó Ernő, Pécs
Collegium funeraticium and collegium tenuiorum: the ancient preview of life and health insurance?

15:15 Karácsony Ilona, Szombathely
Introduction and consolidation of medical prevention practices in public education – the development of school health care in Hungary

15:30 Discussion

15:45 Coffee


Pharmacy Section II. - Chair: dr. Horváth Györgyi, Pécs
Place: Central Auditorium

16:15 Répay Gábor (ea: Mayer Klára), Pécs
Museum worthy values of pharmacies in Pécs – the Pharmacy Museums of Pécs

16:30 Révész Miklós (ea: Dobson Szabolcs), Budapest
Medicines through 300 years in pictures – when the photos start to speak

16:45 Dr. Molnár Zsuzsanna, Budapest
The introduction of the website of the Hungarian Society for the History of Pharmacy

17:00 Dr. Kutas Jenő, Pécs
Thoughts on the works of Károly Than and the chemical analisys of the thermal water of Harkány

17:15 Szmodits László (ea: Dobson Szabolcs), Budapest
The role of Tamás Nendtvich and Aurél Baranyai, pharmacologists, on maintaining health

17:30 Discussion


History of Illnesses and Epidemics Section  - Chair: dr. Buda József, Pécs
place: A1 Room

16:00 Bohner Beke Alíz, Baja
The history of an orthopaedic school in Pécs, or the changing life quality of the bandy children

16:15 Hodován Szabina, Pécs
The short story of poliomyelitis, concentraing on Pécs

16:30 Varga István, Szekszárd
The illegitimate births in light of the health care statistics

16:45 Sipos Dávid, Kaposvár
The career change and migration behaviour of radiographics

17:00 Discussion

19:00 Reception
Palatinus Hotel Nádor Room


19 May, 2017 (Friday)
Place of the venue: PTE ETK, Vörösmarty u. 4.

Section I.  - Chair: Sövényi Ferencné, Budapest
Place: Central Auditorium

9:30 Csöndör Éva, Kaposvár
Medical Laboratory and Imaging Diagnostics Analyser BSc programme and its introduction at the University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences, Training Centre of Kaposvár

9:45 Horváth Marianna, Kaposvár
The history of the University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences, Training Centre of Kaposvár

10:00 Dr. Deutsch Krisztina, Pécs
The past and present of health care teacher training

10:15 Dr. Mészáros Lajos, Zalaegerszeg
The University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences, Training Centre of Zalaegerszeg

10:30 Harjánné dr. Brantmüller Éva, Kaposvár
The history of Health Visitor education and vocation

10:45 Discussion

11:00 Coffee Break


Lifeway, Life Stories Section - Chair: dr. Ágoston István, Pécs
place: A1 Room

9:30 Vass Lívia, Pécs
Madzsarné Jászi Alice – a message from the past, or the female health profile in the first half of the last century

9:45 Dr. habil. Nagy Janka Teodóra, Szekszárd
‘Because it is different, different the Xenodochium … and different the Nosocomium…’ The suggestions of Dr Mihály Babits, Tolna County Chief Medical Officer, on the splitting of the health care and poverty management institutes (1822)

10:00 Meisznerné Kuklek Noémi, Zalaegerszeg
The life, work and public role of Lajos Esztergár

10:15 Dr. Paluch Zoltán, Prága
A message from Albert Szent-Györgyi to the later generations

10:30 Pachner Orsolya, Szombathely
The playing research – the research of playing: Endre Grastyán

10:45 Pónusz Róbert, Pécs
Evaluating the performance indicators of one-day-long sugrical procedures by analysing the 2015 health insurance data

11:00 Discussion

11:15 Coffee Break


History Institution Section II. - Chair dr. Deutsch Krisztina, Pécs
Place: Central Auditorium

11:15 Dr. Takács Magdolna, Szombathely
The background of founding of the Training Centre and the role played in the local professional and scientific life

11:30 Szabó Gyuláné, Kaposvár
Constancy and constant renewal in the history of nursing and the nurse vocation

11:45 Dr. Ágoston István, Pécs
The evolution of hospitals in Hungary from the Foundation Day to date

12:00 Prof. dr. Deli József, Pécs
The Carotenoid School of Pécs

12:15 Dr. Csima Melinda, Kaposvár 
Health sciences contents in the curriculum of teacher training

12:30 Őriné dr. Bilkei Irén, Zalaegerszeg
The beginnings of education at the Medieval University

12:45 Discussion

13.00 Lunch Break


History of Medicine Section - Chair: dr. Máté Orsolya, Pécs
place: A1 Room

11:30 Sarlós István, Baja
The Dispensary for the diseases of the lungs in Baja 1912-1927

11:45 Somodi Klára, Pécs
The Forerunners of Internationalisation – Three Decades of Foreign Language Medical Education at the University of Pécs

12:00 Dr. Szabó Rita, Budapest
The 250-year-old history of hand hygiene in health care

12:15 Dr. Kriskó Edina, Budapest
Medical career prospects between the two World Wars

12:30 Discussion

13:00 Lunch Break


History of Health Education Section - Chair: dr. Pusztafalvi Henriette, Pécs
Place: Central Auditorium

14:00 Dr. Ozsváth Judit, Kolozsvár
Health Education in the ‘Erdélyi Iskola’ educational and public educating journal

14:15 Dr. Sanda István Dániel, Budapest
School doctors and health teachers’ suggestions and impact on the structure of the school system in the turn of the century in Hungary

14:30 Vass Lívia, Pécs
Physical education of the youth at the end of 19th century through the eyes of a school doctor

14:45 Dr. Nóbik Attila, Szeged
School and health care in the ‘Néptanítók Lapja’ journal (1868-1892)

15:00 Balla Imre (ea: Lukácsné Sipkó Gabriella), Pécs
The importance and presence of sensitizing courses in health care education

15:15 Dr. Rétsági Erzsébet, Pécs
The history of P.E. lessons from the 70s to date in light of curriculum changes

15:30 Discussion

15:45 Coffee Break


Health status, health behavior - Chair: Karamánné dr. Pakai Annamária, Szombathely
place: A1 Room

14:00 Breitenbach Zita, Pécs
Surveying the life style and body composition of university students

14:15 Szabó Zoltán, Pécs
The past, present and future of vegetable based diet

14:30 Petró Gyöngyi, Pécs
Health Status and Development at the second half of 20th Century in Hungary and Austria

14:45 Csépő Máté, Pécs
The connection between Beauty and Health in the 20th century

15:00 Ambrusné dr. Kéri Katalin, Pécs
The female body and workings, the health education of women in the 18-19th century

15:15 Discussion

15:30 Coffee Break



Plenary session III. - Chair: dr. Váradyné Horváth Ágnes
Place: Central Auditorium

16:00 Dr. Buda József, Pécs
The social-health care programmes of the WHO, especially health promotion ones

16:15 Sövényi Ferencné, Budapest
The interdisciplinary nature of nursing science

16:30 Dr. Weninger Csaba, Arvika
Hospital in Stockholm’s hearth: The Seraphim Hospital, where Frigyes Karinthy was operated

16:45 Debrődi Gábor, Budapest
The history of paramedic education from the dawn of oxycology to date

17:00 Dr. Nagy Zoltán, Pécs
‘The history of emergency services in Pécs – Baranya County’


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