VII. European Trauma Course 2017 in Pécs

The seventh Hungarian ETC course is going to be organized at the "Hunyor Vendégház" in Pécs, on 5-7 January 2017. The University of Pécs Medical School together with the international ERC instructor staff play important role in the introduction of the training in Hungary.

VII. European Trauma Course 2017 in Pécs


The European Trauma Course (ETC) was launched with the cooperation of major international organizations based in Europe and responsible for the treatment of severely injured patients. The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES), the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM), the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) were involved in the establishment of the program.

The American ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) course has been being present in international traumatology education for decades, acting as a basis for all trainings of similar profile. These trainings undisputedly possess the merit of establishing and promoting the standard, systematic, so-called „ABCDE” system of examination that aims the early detection and treatment of potentially life-threatening injuries, as well as the profound and systematic recording of injuries affecting the entire body.

In spite of regular updates a lot of criticism has been raised concerning ATLS courses recently. Causes include rigidity of the training system, slightly obsolete structure of the training from an adult pedagogical point of view, low number of interactive simulations, excessive American approach and few attention on teamwork and communication.


VII. European Trauma Course 2017 in Pécs


Thus the formerly mentioned major European organizations felt necessary to launch a modern trauma training based on European approach. As a result of their effort ETC can be welcomed in Hungary since 2014. 

Major targets of this training are specialists including oxyologistssurgeonstraumatologistsanaesthesiologists and medical experts of other accompanying specializations participating in the primary care of severely injured patients. During the course participants are expected to utilize their own experiences and expertise, while developing the known vertical, individual care to teamwork-based, horizontal care while keeping the ABCDE concept in mind. During the exercises participants have the opportunity to practice the role of team members and of the leader either. The course is finished with theoretical and practical exams in the form of simulation. On completion of the exams an internationally recognized certificate is received. Those participants, who perform extraordinarily well during the course will have the opportunity to work as European ERC instructors after completing an instructor training.

The seventh Hungarian ETC course is going to be organized in Pécs, on 5-7 January 2017. The University of Pécs Medical School together with the international ERC instructor staff play important role in the introduction of the training in Hungary. The long-term aim of this initiation is the establishment of a national system which is available for all experts involved and facilitates the promotion and education of standard, modern and professional treatment principles of the severely injured patient thus contributing to the development of special care and the increase of patient safety.


To submit your application, please follow the instructions at the course calendar!


More info »


Date of event: 
2017. January 05. 08:00 to 2017. January 07. 16:00
Hunyor Hostel (Pécs, Jurisics Miklós str. 16, 7624)
Contact person: 
Boros Rita
Contact person's email:
You shall not pass!