Call for application for staff training mobility in the academic year 2016/2017

The University of Pécs calls for applications for participating in the mobility programme in the academic year 2016/2017 for members of the administrative (non-teaching) staff and members of the teaching staff performing administrative tasks as well.

Staff training must be accomplished between 1 November 2016 and 30 March 2017.


The aim of the call for applications:

The aim of the administrative staff mobility is to promote the professional further training of the administrative staff of the University and the members of the teaching staff performing substantial administrative tasks at the Faculties and to support gaining experience and good practices to be utilised university-wide. Members of the teaching staff and teachers of all public education schools maintained by the University of Pécs can apply, provided the application is for performing a non-teaching activity.


More information:

Call for application »

Application form and work plan »

Mobility agreement form »


Should you have any questions concerning the application, please contact the Faculty Coordinators or Judit Németh (, Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator.


Good luck with your application!




You shall not pass!