September 1 will be the Day of the Hungarian Higher Education from 2017

On the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Pécs the Parliament decided that 1 September will be the Day of the Hungarian higher education and the memorial day of the university foundation in Pécs.


According to the explanation, this initiative is a great contribution towards  the emphasis  of the international pioneering role of  Hungarian higher education through  several historic periods this way Hungarian scientific achievements and higher education will become part of the national heritage, with which all Hungarian citizens can identify.


It has become official recently that the government of Hungary supports the worthy celebration of the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the first Hungarian university with 565 million HUF, emphasizing the importance of the Hungarian higher education and its priority role in the country. The decision, according to which September 1 will be the Day of the Hungarian Higher Education from 2017, has been made  in order to achieve  this goal.


„This is an important and grand  moment for the University of Pécs, at the same time it is a  high respect for our ancestors, who laid the  foundations of science  in Pécs for the first time in Hungary, in the middle of the fourteenth century” -   said József Bódis rector about the decision.


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