Language Tandem



Hello! 您好! ¡Hola! Γειά σου! Bonjour! Merhaba ! Salam ! Bok !


ESN Pécs proudly presents its newest event, the Language Tandem. What is it about? Spend an evening with us in a nice pub where you can meet foreign students from all over the world and learn a bit of their languages or teach them your own. Do you speak some rare or not so rare languages? You always wanted to know how to say I love you in as many languages as possible? Have you been an Erasmus student, and you learnt the language of the country but you don’t have anyone to practice it? Do you want to go on Erasmus somewhere and you want to learn a bit of the language of the country before you go? Here’s your chance to speak with a native speaker! Don’t worry about your not perfect English/German/French, etc. the main thing is that you’re able to communicate in another language, get understood and you can never know when it comes handy that you know some basic Turkish for example. ;)


You can find us on the 26-27th of September at the PTE Party Place, on Facebook (ESN Pécs) or if you have any question write us an email here:



You shall not pass!