Orientation Week For The Jordanian Students

Between 3. and 6. February, an orientation week is going to be held for the Jordanian students at the UP. The programme starts on Wednesday with the Opening Ceremony at the Knowledge Centre and ends on Friday, when students are going to have opportunity to ask qestions as well.





3rd February-6th February, 2015



  • 3 February, Tuesday: Opening day

Conference Room, Kowledge Centre Pécs (7622 Pécs, Universitas utca 2./A)


10:00-10:30 Opening ceremony

10:30-10:45 Introduction of the International Relations Office

10:45-11:00 Introduction of the dormitories of the University of Pécs

11:00-12:30 Introduction of the Faculties

12:30-13:00 Introduction of the English Program and Hungarian Program of the International Studies Center Medical School University of Pécs

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-17:00 Practical Tour in Pécs: Guided tour in the city centre of Pécs visiting shops and facilities that might be useful for you during your stay in Pécs.


  • 4 February, Wednesday

Conference Room, Kownledge Centre Pécs (7622 Pécs, Universitas utca 2./A)


9:00-10:30 Placement test

11:00-13:00 Administration: Please keep in mindtaking yourpassport, ID photoandapenwith you.

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:30 Lecture: Cross-Cultural Seminar (Éva Ladányi, lecturer of the PTE)


  • 5 February, Thursday

Conference Room, Knowledge Centre Pécs (7622 Pécs, Universitas utca 2./A)


7.30-9.00 Visiting the ISC to prepare the banking, meeting point: Knowledge Centre

9:00-11:00 Banking service

11:00-13:00 Lecture: Eastern- European Cultural Geography introduces some aspects concerning the demographic profile of Hungary. (dr András Trócsányi)

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Who is who? - meet your future teachers


  • 6 February, Friday

Conference Room, Knowledge Centre Pécs (7622 Pécs, Universitas utca 2./A)


9:00 11:00 Closing of the Orientation day: you will have the chance to ask your questions and get further information form Dr Reza Hemmati, president of Pécs Preparatory College and scientific advisor of ISC and international students of the University of Pécs; and Gergely Balogh,, coordinator of the Student Service of the University of Pécs.


You shall not pass!