ETR shutdown between 7 and 14 November

Dear Student,

I would like to notify you that based on the information of the Educational Directory, in order to update the ETR and MODULO systems, the current ETR and MODULO versions will be shut down on November 7, 2014 (Friday) at 12:00.

Since most of the ETR services will be unavailable, the Registrar’s Office will not be able to issue certificates. In case you need student status certificate or transcript, please request it from your adminsitrative officer promptly, but at latest until November 6, 2014 (Thursday) 14:00 in written form!


Dear 6th year Medical students,

During the time of the update (November 7, 2014 – November 14, 2014) the exam registration will not be possible in ETR and you will not be able to modify your earlier registrations. In case the exam registration would be neccessary at this period, please contact your administrative officer in e-mail.

Your administrative officer will notify the secretary of the concerned clinic/department on your intention of exam registration. After November 14, 2014 the Registrar’s Office will record these exam registrations in ETR subsequently.

The deadline for exam registration will still be the workday preceding the exam day until 09:00, the deadline for de-registration will still be 2 workdays preceding the exam day until 09:00. (Meaning: this is the deadline for your emails to notify RO about your intention on registration/de-registration as well.)

The updated versions of ETR and MODULO will be launched together on November 14 2014 , 14:00.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


Zsuzsanna Varga, Registrar


You shall not pass!