Tuition-free overseas study abroad opportunities at the UP
A special and successful informative event was held at the headquarters of the UP on the 5th of February 2014. Organizers set the goal to present unique tuition-free study programmes for those UP students who would like to discover and experiment far away overseas education and culture.
As one of the biggest higher education institutions in Hungary, the UP pays extra attention to the most important academic trend of our time: internationalization. This term refers both to increasing the number of incoming students from foreign countries and supporting a growing number of students to participate in the excellent exchange programmes that being a UP student offers.
The event was opened by Ms. Gyöngyi Pozsgai, Head of our International Relations Office. Ms. Pozsgai explained that the UP is constantly seeking for new academic partner institutions with a similar wide range of study fields. As a result, nearly 50 bilateral agreements have been made lately. The UP now has the chance to offer study opportunities abroad for its students without any tuition fee obligations in the US, in Japan and in South Korea.
Gábor Czéh introduced the application process, deadlines and conditions. Main requirements for the applicants are:
- an active student status at the UP,
- Hungarian citizenship,
- proper language knowledge (different level is required in every country),
- very good study results.
Students have been reminded that although the successful completion of the application process results in not needing to pay any tuition fees, candidates should have the financial security in order to keep appropriate living standards. Due to this, applying for an additional scholarship is highly recommended.
For further information please contact Mr. Gábor Czéh via the email address
Ms. Eszter Sándorfi promoted the Campus Hungary scholarship programme, which has been founded to support students, researchers and teachers who wish to spend one semester abroad. She highlighted that application requirements here are more flexible:
- candidates should have 2 finished semesters,
- intermediate level of a foreign language,
- NO NEED for an active student status (you can deactivate your semester),
- NO NEED for having Hungarian citizenship (foreign students studying in normal programmes can also apply).
For more information please contact Ms. Eszter Sándorfi via the email address
The informative forum was closed by inspiring and impressive presentations of two former exchange students of the UP who spent amazing semesters in Seoul, South Korea and in San Diego, United States. They both encouraged everyone to have no fear and catch this opportunity that may show up only once in a lifetime.