UP success in increasing the efficiency of embryo implantation
A new scientific publication was released recently on the efficiency of embryo implantation. Researchers from the University of Pécs and the Semmelweis University published a publication with the title "A simple and rapid flow cytometry-based assay to identify a competent embryo prior to embryo transfer" at Nature Scientific Reports.
Members of the research group: Eva Pallinger, Zoltan Bognar, Jozsef Bodis, Timea Csabai, Nelli Farkas, Krisztina Godony, Akos Varnagy, Edit Buzas, Julia Szekeres-Bartho.
Abstract of the publication at Nature Scientific Reports:
Multiple pregnancy is a risk for prematurity and preterm birth. The goal of assisted reproduction is to achieve a single pregnancy, by transferring a single embryo. This requires improved methods to identify the competent embryo. Here, we describe such a test, based on flow cytometric determination of the nucleic acid (PI+) containing extracellular vesicle (EV) count in day 5 embryo culture media. 88 women undergoing IVF were included in the study. More than 1 embryos were transferred to most patients. In 58 women, the transfer resulted in clinical pregnancy, whereas in 30 women in implantation failure.
In 112 culture media of embryos from the “clinical pregnancy” group, the number of PI+ EVs was significantly lower than in those of 49 embryos, from the “implantation failure” group. In 14 women, transfer of a single embryo resulted in a singleton pregnancy, or, transfer of two embryos in twin pregnancy. The culture media of 19 out of the 20 “confirmed competent” embryos contained a lower level of PI+ EVs than the cut off level, suggesting that the competent embryo can indeed be identified by low PI+ EV counts. We developed a noninvasive, simple, inexpensive, quick test, which identifies the embryos that are most likely to implant.
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