Prestigious international recognition of Hungarian researchers

This year the scientific co-publication of the researchers of the University of Pécs (UP) and the University of Szeged deserved the award of the European Association for Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) – awarded exclusively to authors with scientific excellence. 

The research which deserved such recognition is the first significant result of a working team, whose objective it is to increase the efficiency of assisted reproduction by the diagnostics of the nutrient medium surrounding the embryo. The professional coordinator  of the team is József Bódis, Rector of the UP.


The award was handed over to Gábor Kovács L., President of the Szentágothai Research Centre and co-author of the article in Paris on Monday night. A prestigious recognition like this has never been awarded to Hungarian experts before. 


Gábor Kovács L. 


The main field of study of the award-winning publication was the raise of efficiency of artificail insemination techniques  with tests that do not mean potential harm to the embryo. The authors of the article: József Bódis, Gábor Kovács L., Gergely Montskó, Ákos Várnagy and Zita Zrínyi from the University of Pécs, and Tamás Janaky and Zoltán Szabó from the University of Szeged.


The head of the research, Rector József Bódis noted in connection with the prize: „This is a huge recognation to us, at the same time it is an extremely positive feedback that we really go on the right track in the research. This award can give us another impetus for achieving our target: increasing the success rate of the artificial insemination from the current 34-35% to approximately 50%, which would mean a major breakthrough world wide”.


You shall not pass!