Modern Cities Programme - Impressive modernisation

The government of Hungary decided, at the beginning of 2016, to support the development of the University of Pécs in the framework of the Moderns Cities Programme. The aim of this 24-billion HUF subsidy is to double the number of the foreign students studying in Pécs by 2020. This means that a rapid development can be expected at the University of Pécs in the next few years, which can lead to modernising the infrastructure as well as inviting highly qualified lecturers and researchers to come home to work.

A significant part of the financial support will be spent on improving medical education, the Medical School in Pécs will get a new educational building and the park surrounding the existing building will be renewed. As practical training is of utmost importance in this field, several buildings of the Clinical Centre may be modernized.


The highly popular medical training may continue in a worthy environment in the future 

A nagy népszerűségnek örvendő orvosképzés méltó környezetben folytatódhat a jövőben


A nagy népszerűségnek örvendő orvosképzés méltó környezetben folytatódhat a jövőben


In the framework of the programme the former Győző Csorba Library - maintained now by the Faculty of Health Sciences - and the campus in Szepesi and Vörösmarty streets are going to be renewed, while the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology in Boszorkány street is also going to get new laboratory building. Student Hostel Balassa János and Damjanich will also undergo renovation together with Hostel Laterum. The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development are also going to be modernized in the next few years. A new University Business Centre will complete the Faculty of Business and Economics, while the Faculty of Law is going to receive a communication room. The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts will be given the opportunity to buy instruments, which are considered rare even at the international level.


A new floor will be added to the Ifjúság Street Campus with modern auditoriums

Az Ifjúság úti campus új emeletet kap modern oktatási termekkel


Az Ifjúság úti campus új emeletet kap modern oktatási termekkel


Regarding the development of the university rector József Bódis emphasized: “Pécs is in a special position among the beneficiaries of the Modern Cities Programme, since this is the only city out of the twenty-three involved, where the government’s support  programme is implemented through the development of the university. As a result of this subsidy the first University of Hungary, which celebrates its 650th anniversary next year, has the chance to develop continuously, which guarantees its success even after the Jubilee Year” - emphasized the rector.


New building of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology 

Intelligens ház lesz a Műszaki és Informatikai Kar új épülete

 Intelligens ház lesz a Műszaki és Informatikai Kar új épülete


According to Zoltán Jenei, chancellor of UP “during the following years the university will have a great opportunity and a great responsibility at the same time. Our task to create a more competitive environment in Hungary and abroad, too.”


UnivPécs International


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