Modern Cities Programme - The Door to Your Future

Thanks to Government decree no. 1035/2016. (II.9.), the Modern Cities Programme has opened a source of funds amounting to 24 bn forints for the University of Pécs, the purpose of which is to enhance the competitiveness of the university, to provide infrastructure for increasing the number of students, to improve the quality of education and to increase the number of foreign students. The allocated support is an opportunity not to miss in order to accelerate the development of this institute with its traditional background and to set in onto a new track and enhance its attraction and image. In this process, the mission of the university is to continue to pass on accumulated knowledge, play an active role in research activities and to provide high quality healthcare.  


A year ago we only had some ideas of how the University would be able to make use of the billions so that the developments could affect the widest areas possible, for the benefit of the local and regional economy, the service sector and the citizens as well. Now clear decisions back up not only the areas of development but the actual projects as well. It is clearly seen what can make the offers of the university unique and attractive. The goal and promise of the development programme is that the processes until 2020 will reshape the life of the university, causing a change in scales, making the University of Pécs reconceptualise its strengths and reinforce its presence in the Hungarian and international academic scene.  

Modern Cities Programme - The door to your future


We are convinced that the development is much more than a series of investments: they are only means for the university to show how it preserves its traditions and how open it is to the world; to demonstrate its values and views; to conceive what kind of future we imagine for ourselves and to take steps in order to realise this future. Therefore the success of the development does not only depend on the quality of the developments, though thanks to the preparatory work and the architectural plans, Pécs will be enriched with contemporary buildings integrated into the natural and architectural environment, taking the nature of the town into account, while contributing to the improvement of the urban environment of the campus by their innovative solutions. That is, the message of the development may add new content, refresh the image of the university and can make it more attractive.     


Here we would provide you with an illustrated outline of the grand development programme. We hope you will find it convincing!

Here we would provide you with an illustrated outline of the grand development programme. We hope you will find it convincing!


The newly built and renovated buildings will be used by several different generations; our aim is to create an inspiring working and educational environment of quality and character.


Of course, you may ask if such a change in scales can be achieved within a few years.  

The answer is, on the one hand, in the history of sciences in which knowledge and creativity often has been a serious motive and has brought great and positive changes. On the other hand, it lies in the traditional relationships and new kinds of co-operation which encourage innovative thinking and help transmit messages to society.


You shall not pass!