Make it your own way - Mongolia meets Hungary

Nowadays more and more people want to go to university. Some choose this to create a better future, some just do not know what to do with their life and there are some who know perfectly why they chose that particular school, faculty,  or department. For many people it is quite easy and obvious that after finishing high school they go to a university but for a lot of other people it is not that evident. There are many people who need to leave their country and their family to be able to continue their education on an academic level. TumursurenErdenetsolmon, known as Erka, is one of them. He has had a tough journey but finally he has reached his number one goal and studies at PTE. Now he has more goals to fight for. Follow his journey:

TumursurenErdenetsolmon, known as Erka, international student of the University of Pécs


Erka, when did you arrive in Hungary?

I came here in 2013, it was a long travel from Mongolia and it was also a long process to start my academic education at the University of Pécs.


For what reason did you choose to move here?

At that time I was only 18 and all I wanted was to move to another country and try to succeed on my own. My first plan was not Hungary, it was India actually, but when my aunt heard about it she told me not to go there. She asked me to come here because she has been living here for nearly 23 years and offered to help me with the papers. Her opinion was the main reason why I chose Hungary.


What happened next?

After I have arrival I attended the preparatory school of Balassi Institute where I studied Hungarian language, History, Social studies, Arts history and Communication studies, all in Hungarian. After I finished this school I could not go to a university because I did not have the Hungarian general certificate of education and of course I could not afford to study.


But now you are here, how?

To be honest, at this point I had only two options, go home or find a different school to get a new visa. Of course I did not want to go home because I did not achieve what I wanted. Fortunately I found a cook school so I was able to stay in the country. This was not enough, I needed money, so I started to work. I was making sushi at an Asian restaurant every weekend. It was really tiring because we had to go to a hotel and work there too as a practice. I was always tired but now I can appreciate it as I learned a lot from my Hungarian colleagues. During the years I always looked for the opportunity to win a fellowship and finally 2015 became my year. I won a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship.


After that what made you choose PTE?

I applied for 3 universities, the first  was PTE, the second was the university of Szeged and last but not least I also applied for a university in Budapest. A chose Pécs because I travelled here once and I was amazed by the city and its people. The other reason was that I had already lived in Budapest and I looked for a change. Now, this is my second year being a proud student of the Faculty of Humanities and I am studying International Relations, this was my aim and I am so glad that I am here.


Since your arrival here how many times have you had the chance to go and visit your family?

I saw them less frequently than I wanted, for sure! During my first three years I could not go home because the tickets are so expensive and I had to save up for my education and for my main goal. The first time I could go home was the summer holiday of 2016. I missed my home, my family, my friends so much, I really needed it. I never regretted that I came here because now I know that if I want to achieve  something, I am definitely capable of doing it. Today I have a deeper knowledge about the world and how it works. I can only support those who are considering something similar.


You said that you have a main goal, what is it?

After I successfully graduated I want to work as a diplomat and I would like to contribute to the development of a more positive relationship between Hungary and Mongolia. I know it is a long way but I am working for it every single day.


Attila Horváth, UnivPécs
UnivPécs International 2017 autmn

You shall not pass!