Let’s celebrate: 30 years of Medical Studies in English!

The University of Pécs Medical School celebrated the 30th anniversary of its English Programme between the 22-24 August, 2014. All the graduates were warmly welcome to come and join their fellow students, teachers and professors of their Alma Mater. The long weekend provided a great opportunity for graduates to present their scientific work, talk about their professional advancement and offer an insight into the everyday life of the Medical School today.


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The ceremonial two-day event started on Friday night with the opening celebration in the Aula, where former teachers, as well as and special guests were present. To highlight the evening, the official opening was followed by a reception and a ball.

Saturday was not only about interesting presentations on the present times of the Medical School. Participants had a traditional Hungarian lunch party of a great success, which was followed by a city tour to remind everyone of the old and new beauties of Pécs. At last but not least, the evening was crowned by a wine tasting event, where everyone enjoyed first class wines and an elated mood.


30th anniversary of the English programme of the Medical School / Photo: Medical School


On Sunday the UP Medical School organized several bus shuttles to Budapest to help their guest get home with a bunch of renowned memories and newly gained experiences about the prestigious institution and the amazing city.

Check out the photo galleries of the Medical School!

The UP hopes that all the participants will return soon again, and congratulates to the organizers at the Medical School for the nice and smooth implementation of this festive event!


You shall not pass!