Janus University Theatre - Casting new members to perform in English

Have you always wanted to try acting? Have you performed in English before and would want to do it again? If so, come and join us at PTE University Theatre, JESZ's (Janus University Theater) new member casting workshop.

Janus University Theatre - Casting new members to perform in English


JESZ has been staging plays in Hungarian for 20 years and now we are starting a new department in English.


We are looking for non-Hungarian students to create a new piece of theater together. We have a small number of places for people who love performing and study at PTE.


What: Bring a piece of theater, poem, song, monologue, tell us a story etc.

When: April 11th 7pm

Where: Zsolnay Negyed, Zsolnay Vilmos street16, JESZ ( Janus University Theater) building


Details: jesz@pte.hu



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