It is never too late! - an ex-UN ambassador learns Hungarian

This summer was as busy as always at PTE, festivals after festivals, summer schools after summer schools. For one of these summer schools (18th Hungarian Language and Culture Summer School) people came to try their fortune with Hungarian language. In the program we can meet everybody, from youngsters to elders. There are absolute beginners and there are students who were here before but it is not only about the language, they have the opportunity to get a little bit more familiar with the local culture and history.

Pertti Torstila, ex-UN ambassador from Finland / Photo: Csortos Szabolcs, UnivPécs


We would never think with whom can we meet during this amazing program. We were fortunate enough to meet an ex-UN ambassador from Finland. Pertti Torstila is already in his seventies but this does not stop him to learn a brand new language. The man who is not only active in brain activities also likes running, actually six years ago he competed in an orienteer competition in Pécs, so it is not a miracle that we had a talk right after his pilates class.


Why did you made the decision to start learning a new language and why Hungarian?

Why not? Look, I am a pensioner so I have time and I have been always interested in Hungarian language, mainly because I believe in the Finnish – Hungarian friendship and of course I looked for a challenge too. During my life I learned to speak 5 languages and now I can add Hungarian as well. For me this is the hardest one, although I can speak French, German, Swedish, English and Finnish but it is obvious.


I can see that the teachers made a great job because your Hungarian is quite good, we can speak smoothly. What is your opinion about the education?

First of all, thank you! During my decades on Earth I saw a lot of things but I have to say that this university maintains a really high standard. The teachers are great, these modern text books also. We talk a lot during classes and just about general facts but about actual topics so it is practical, interactive and interesting in the same time. The groups are small so everybody has the chance to speak which is a good think. Another good point for the alignment because there is only a tiny difference between the best and the worst in each group.


Pertti Torstila, ex-UN ambassador from Finland / Photo: Csortos Szabolcs, UnivPécs


We already know that you were here before this program but did you hear here the first Hungarian words?

It is funny because I was far away from Hungary and Pécs when I heard the first words. It was in 1952 during the Helsinki Olimpics. If you really think about it it is not so strange because it was a great year for Hungary. The Hungarian team won 42 medals, 16 gold, 10 silver and 16 bronze I can still remember these numbers in turn I was only 7 years old and moreover that was the year when I first heard about Puskás Ferenc and he is unforgettable. I was really young but I can remember that everybody knew that it is a Hungarian party!


Can you still remember for those words?

Yes! There are two words I remember from my childhood. These are ‘dal’ (song) and ‘zene’ (music). Everybody has a hobby or more. I am that type of person who has more, music takes a huge part of my life even though mostly I only play for myself. I think this kind of interest lead to learn these words first. Later I learned the typical finno - ugrian words. For example ‘vér’ (blood), ‘kéz’ (hand) or ‘fej’ (head). I truly believe that there is a relation between Hungarians and Finnish people, that is why I am here!

It is quite interesting that most of the foreigners say that their favourite Hungarian word is ‘pillangó’ (butterfly), ‘szerelem’ (love) or ‘szeretlek’ (I love you) but mine is definitely a strange one. It is ‘tulajdonképpen’ (in a proper sense). I do not know why, I just find it funny when someone says it out loud.

Hungarian language is not easy but it is as beautiful as difficult. The program is amazing, really! The fact that every age-group can be a part of it is so good because as the oldest member of the whole summer school I have the opportunity to learn from the younger generations. The fact the we came together from 30 different countries is a great chance to make international friends. Loved every moment of it!


Attila Horváth, UnivPécs

You shall not pass!