InfoPont (Information Point) launched in the heart of the city

Zsolt Páva, Mayor of the City of Pécs, Bishop George Udvary and József Bódis, the Rector of the University of Pécs launched an Information Point (InfoPont) at Széchenyi Square Tuesday morning, which from now on will serve the purpose to provide city dwellers, tourists to the city, or even foreign university students with first-hand information about the city as well as the university.  

PTE InfoPont átadó


Visitors passing by can also purchase University gift items there if they wish to. The public was also informed about the series of colourful events prepared for the 650th Anniversary of the foundation of the university, including a wide palette of events from scientific conferences to concerts of world class excellence with the aim of promoting Hungarian higher education and culture.    


InfoPont (Information Point) launched in the heart of the city


The Government of Hungary passed a decision last year, which, as an honour to the 650th anniversary, declares September 1st as a remembrance day of the foundation of the university and the Day of Hungarian Higher Education. According to the reasons for the decision, the holiday will greatly facilitate to emphasize the cross-border international significance of the pioneering role of Hungarian higher education, which succeeded in bridging historical epochs, proving that the advances of science in Hungary and Hungarian higher education can integrate into national heritage.


InfoPont (Information Point) launched in the heart of the city


On the formal launch, which included a press conference, it was stated that for the purpose of expressing honour to the founders in a worthy way, the organizers prepare a number of events that will not be concentrated just to the day of establishment, i.e.: on September 1st, but throughout the year of 2017. Without aiming to give an exhaustive list, as part of the ceremonial events there will be a Magna Charta Observatory Rectors’ Conference, the 2nd Cultural Summit of Hungarians, but Pécs will also host the closing conference of the National Brain Research Programme. 


InfoPont (Information Point) launched in the heart of the city


For young people prominent events imbued by the jubilee will be the Pécs University Days and EFOTT, which will be held in Velence, but the official host will be the University of Pécs. The programme called International Spring also seems to be a colourful and youthful event during which thematic days will deal with the cultural and scientific values of Asia, North America or Africa even, or the migration situation.  

A diplomats’ round table will be held so that participants can discuss current political issues of major importance. On the first of September, as part of the jubilee ceremony jointly organized by the city and the diocese, the statuettes of Archbishop William, the university founder and King Louis the Great will be inaugurated, but there will be further events for art enthusiasts: the University Faculty of Arts will perform a Ceremonial Oratory, while Janus University Theatre Group is preparing a biographic play in faithful representation of the epoch of the poet Janus Pannonius. If we add to all these, that Placido Domingo, the world famous opera singer and honorary doctorate of the University of Pécs previously stated, that he would like to be an active participant in the series of ceremonial events, it is really no exaggeration that the city of Pécs, popular for its vibrant cultural life is getting ready for the round anniversary with an even more colourful selection.


InfoPont (Information Point) launched in the heart of the city


The Infomation Point (InfoPont) launched in the heart of the city serves the purpose to update the public with information concerning the city as well as with accurate and detailed answers about the first university of Hungary. The InfoPoint’s already rich selection of souvenirs is extended with university gift items, for instance anyone who wishes to buy a popular University of Pécs sweatshirt does not have to go any further. 

Since the number of international students has grown rapidly in the last couple of years, it is a clearly stated objective of the Modern Cities Programme to facilitate a growth to 5000 people. Pécs Point can be a useful destination for international students, as they can obtain there relevant information of the city and the university at the same time.  


Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 2-5 pm 
(from April also Sundays)


You shall not pass!