Cross-border networking conference at the UP
The University of Pécs aims to improve closer relations with cross-border Hungarian higher education institutions. For this reason, a meeting titled "Networking with Hungarian higher education institutions beyond the border" took place on the 16-17th of June, 2014 with the participation of cross-border university representatives of major Hungarian institutions, and institutions providing study programmes in Hungarian.
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The two-day-long event included appointments of university leaders, and as a separate program element, the UP provided the opportunity for holding professional meetings regarding the fields of common interest at the faculties and research sites of the University of Pécs.
Unconventionally, the conference was opened with a debate session: Attila Lengvárszky, head of Department for Academic Affairs unveiled the new educational strategy guidelines for the UP. The director said: one of the university's major drawbacks is that in comparison with its competitors, the UP mostly affects prospective students from the surrounding regions with smaller populations. Mr. Lengvárszky emphasized the need for introducing new teaching methods which meet the modern requirements of the 21th century. In addition to academic advising, he also drew attention to the importance of e-learning as a supporting element, not displacing the personal contact. He also stated that developing teachers' language skills is a basic condition of internationalization.
The conference was visited by representatives of the Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj), the Josip Juray Strossmayer University (Osijek), The University of Maribor, the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, the Sapienthia University of Transylvania, the Selye János University, and the University of Novi Sad.
In order to further promote cooperation and initiatives which came to light at the networking meeting, the UP wishes to send a delegation to the partner institutions abroad.