The Ladder in You

The PTE Integrated Art Group pre­sents its contemporary dance theatre acts.

The integrated group is a creative company, which embraces  disabled and non-disabled students and employe­es. The show has three main goals. Besides its entertaining value it at­tempts to inspire the audience to further think about the topic of living with disability, and it also demonst­rates how people with disabilities can participate in, and valuably support art productions with other non-di­sabled members of the group. In addition, the creative process aims to contribute to the personal devel­opment of participants. 


Date of event: 
2017. September 02. 11:30
The Downtown of Pécs, in the framework of the Jubilee 650 PTE Day
Contact person: 
Csaba Magdali
Contact person's email:
Contact person's phone: 
+36 30/665-7869
You shall not pass!