International Spring – Explore the Russian world: Russian language and culture in Pécs

The event is part of the PTE650 Jubilee celebration of the University of Pécs.

24 April

10 a.m. New trends in the development of the modern Russian language

A.A. Kotov, lecturer of the State University of Petrozavodsk

Location: Russian Centre (Ifjúság u. 6. D ép. IV. em.)


12 p.m. Introduction by Sz. Puskin ’Hóvihar’ with musical accompaniment

Location: Russian Centre (Ifjúság u. 6. D ép. IV. em.)


4 p.m. Exhibition Opening:  Russian children’s toys

Location: House of Civic Communities


4:15 p.m.  Command of the pike

Musical puppet show (Russian folk tale)

Location: House of Civic Communities


5.30 p.m. Music Contest “Ki mittud?” about Russia

Location: House of Arts and Literature


6 p.m.  Mysteries of the Russian soul – Russian folk songs, romances, poetry

Location: House of Arts and Literature

Karelian concert:  singers, musicians of the Russian-Hungarian Association and the Ruthenian Minority Council.


26 April

10 a.m - 2 p.m. Historian Academy of Young Scientists

Location: Russian Center (Ifjúság u. 6. D ép. IV. em.)

Young researchers present their findings regarding the scope of Russian history


27 April

10 a.m. Slavic loanwords in the X-XI Century Hungarian language

Dr.Endre Lendvai


11 a.m. Language trivia: Russian and Hungarian proverbs and sayings


11.30 a.m. Academy of Young Researchers

Graduate students from University of Pécs Department of Slavic Studies discuss their thesis papers

Location: Russian Center (Ifjúság u. 6. D ép. IV. em.)


4 p.m. Interesting facts about Russia and the Russian language

Location: House of Arts and Literature

Valentyina Végvári and Terézia Jazsjan


Participation of all events are free!

Program of the International Spring

Organizer: University of Pécs – Russian Center

The organizers reserve the right of making changes in the programmes.


Date of event: 
2017. April 24. 10:00 to 2017. April 27. 18:00
Contact person: 
Gábor Kozma
Contact person's email:
Contact person's phone: 
+36 72 501 500 / 18533
You shall not pass!