International Spring - African Days

The event is part of the PTE650 Jubilee celebration of the University of Pécs.

The most important challenges, outcomes and the diverse culture of the continent will be illustrated through performances, photo exhibitions, concerts, dance and music shows. The African community living in Hungary, as well as students of the University of Pécs, will also participate in the programs. 


06 April 16.00
African Hungarian Union: Medical Missions in Africa
Location: Medical School Aula (Main hall)


The African Hungarian Union is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that organises international aid and development, founded with the aim to aid the countries of Africa. The organization’s mission is to facilitate development through a.) the active participation of the concerned countries and b.) the utilization of their own resources – thus resulting in long term sustainable change.

This panel will demonstrate face paint and hair braids, as well as facilitate events such as African trivia and African games. Participants will also have the opportunity to apply as volunteers.  

Presentations will provide first-hand information about the joys and challenges of volunteer work.

16.00 Introduction of the African Hungarian Union

16.30 Dr. Anna Jakkel: I was a volunteer doctor in Africa

17.00 Dr. Krisztina Kiss: Life as a volunteer doctor in Hungary

17.30 Dr. Réka Fodor: Presentation of the book Afréka - Adventures of a doctor in a Humanitarian mission in Africa

18.00 Drum and singing show:  Serengeti Troupe

The band members came from sunlit Tanzania and play East African music.

Participation is free!

Program of the International Spring – African Days

Organizer: Hungarian Africa Company, Centre for International Relations


6 April 5 p.m.
Ethiopia today
Dr. Jan Záhořík (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)
Location: University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities–Building on the Ifjúság Street, Room D-105

Ethiopia is without doubt one of the most important states of Africa; even the headquarters of the African Union is located in its capital of Addis-Ababa, “Africa’s Brussels.” In recent years, in addition to gaining diplomatic significance, the country has been enjoying serious economic growth and today is one of the most dynamically developing economies. This presentation addresses Ethiopia’s political, economic and social development from a historical perspective by a skilled expert of the region.

Participation is free!

Program of the International Spring – African Days

Organizer: Hungarian Africa Company, Centre for International Relations



6 April  7 p.m.
Ballet Camara: African Night
Location: Zsolnay Cultural Quarter – E78

The sound of African drums has been known increase positive energy and good thoughts. This event gives participants the opportunity to enjoy fascinating drum and dance performances and even try them! Abdoul Camara, artistic leader of the group, and the artists from the Cie Ballet Camara will lead instruction. An African DJ will close out the night.

Participation is free!

Program of the International Spring – African Days

Organizer: University of Pécs - Centre for International Relations



7 April –  27 April
Africa through the eyes of Pécs citizens:  African Exhibition by photographers from Pécs
Location: University Library of Pécs and Learning Centre, Aula on the ground floor.

Opening of the exhibition:7 April 17.00

Károly Barakonyi, Judit Déri, Lajos Kalmár, György Konkoly-Thege, László Mihály and István Tarrósy

Africa is an incredibly diverse continent culturally, linguistically, and ethnically speaking. This exhibition sheds light on the everyday life of inhabitants of this region and is characterised by stark contrasts. Six photographers from Pécs present a captivating glimpse of the diverse values which dominate the respective corners of Africa. 

Participation is free!

Program of the International Spring – African Days

Organizer: University of Pécs - Centre for International Relations


07 April 17.30: Migration on the Horn of Africa
Location: House of Arts and Literature – Marcell Breuer Hall
(***Program in English, no interpreter)

Roundtable discussion regarding the migration trends of North-eastern Africa.

The Horn of Africa is a region which emits a high proportion of migrants to Eruope.  This roundtable will analyse the political, economic and security situations in this region to help interpret events which precipitate the refugee crisis today. How does this crisis affect Hungary? Which factors influence the African migration in general? How is the international community reacting to this crisis? Which efforts does the European Union take to curb the flood of refugees? Domestic and foreign experts will debate their respective arguments in English.

Roundtable participants:  Jan Záhořík, Dr. Viktor Marsai, Dr. István Tarrósy

Participation is free!

Program of the International Spring – African Days

Organizer: University of Pécs - Africa Research Centre, Centre for International Relations


12 April – 27 April
Miklós Klotz: Kasserian Inkera?
Opening of the exhibition: 12 April 4 p.m.
Location: Zsolnay Quarter – E78

Photographer Miklós Klotz presents an exhibition of photos from a trip to the isolated Maasai villages around Arusha in Tanzania in 2001. This project was made possible by the help of a guide who helped him win the trust and confidence of the local people. The photographs on display are vintage-style prints and have been published in a photo album called Kasserian inkera? which in Maasai means in How are the children?


Miklós Klotz graduated from the Árpád vocational school in Székesfehérvár, majoring in photography. After he moved to Budapest in 1989, he worked as a freelancer photographer, working for MAFILM and Taps, the theatre magazine. He also worked at several film screenings as a photo booth photographer. One of Klotz’s artistic endeavors is to publish compilations from his photographic work in the form of books. Klotz is a regular participant of the D.FLEISS symposium (Germany, Austria, Serbia, China, Hungary, and Romania), the Ludvig nursery of artists (Nagykanizsa, Hungary) and the Inter-Art nursery of artists (Nagyenyed, Románia)


The organizers reserve the right of making changes in the programmes.


Date of event: 
2017. April 06. 16:00 to 2017. April 12. 16:00
More information:
Contact person: 
Gábor Kozma
Contact person's email:
Contact person's phone: 
+36 72 501 500 / 18535
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