Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. It is also a great opportunity to build bridges between scientists and the public. Academic people get the chance to show people the results, and speak about their future plans in a simpler and UNDERSTANDABLE way.

Brain Awareness Week


The international Dana Foundation brings together businesses, institutions and projects that work in the field of brain research, and are happy to present their exciting work each year in March.


Brain Awareness Week


Medical School of University of Pécs also opens its gates to those who are interested in this topic, because let’s face it: ordinary people can be just as excited as any scientist when it comes to looking behind the scenes. Most of us are curious about how work is done in universities, laboratories, or hospitals.


Brain Awareness Week


We are able to show children in a playful way, what does it mean to be a brain researcher, making the discipline more appealing at the same time. We have announced a drawing competition as well, because we were eager to know how kids would depict one of the most complex organ in the human body. We will also provide drawing facilities in Nador Gallery, for those, who want to join us in arts and crafts later. We will not let adults to get bored either: for them, we have prepared some really exciting demo: together, we will „see the invisible”, we will understand our delusions, and we will be able to look closely at realistic models of our brain. We will have several interesting presentations, presented by professionals.


More information:  and @itdpteaok 




Date of event: 
2018. March 12. 17:00 to 2018. March 18. 16:00
Various venues
Contact person: 
Annamária Illés
Contact person's email:
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