Dr. András Béres

Honorary doctor of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development of the University of Pécs since 10 March 2011.

András Béres

András Béres started his career at the University of Petrozsény as a trainee in 1965. Since 1970 he has been teaching at the University of Dramatic Arts, Marosvásárhely, in the beginning (he was employed) as an assistant, from 1971 as lecturer, from 1999 as associate professor, from 2002 as professor. He was author of several lecture notes, and he has been holding presentations about the methodology of the dramatic arts and theatre aesthetics.

After the political transformation in 1989 he was chosen as the dean of the Hungarian programme, later he became the secretary of the university council. In 2000 he was elected as the rector of the university for 8 years. Several new majors have been opened, master and doctoral programmes have been started, a dormitory and new classrooms were built as the result of his activities. He also improved connections with several Hungarian universities, including the University of Pécs, especially the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Management.

Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development
Date of inauguration: 
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