Weihnachtsgrüße vom Rektor József Bódis

Es is eine herzerwärmende Tradition des Rektors der Universität Pécs einige Wörter zu sagen am Ende des Jahres. Im Video spricht der Rektor über dem Jubiläumsjahr und bedankt sich bei den Mitarbeitern und wünscht alle Mitbürger der Universität Pécs frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr!

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Dear Colleagues, dear Students!

Slowly we are getting near the end of the year 2017. I think, this so called jubilee year has been very rich in content for all of us with numerous outstanding programmes, scientific and cultural events and the 650 year anniversary of the foundation of our university.

We are honoured, that the day of the foundation of our university, 1 September, is going to be, from this year on, the Day of Hungarian Higher Education. Hopefully everybody acknowledges this in accordance with the world of thought, in the framework of which the university was founded, and has been operating since and hopefully will be operating in the future as well.

As the holidays are getting near, I would like to thank all of you for your work, positive attitude, activity, creativity.

I wish all of you a Peaceful, Merry Christmas and a Successful New Year!


You shall not pass!